Kinsey Spude
animation|rigging|level design
Level Design
In 2020 I was picked up to work with Run Games, an indie studio based out of Seattle. In my time here I ended up doing a great deal of level design. I'm eager to share what I can of my Level Design journey!
Unannounced Title 2020-2023
This is where I did the most of my level design work. While I cant fully fill this out until the game is announced I want to state how excited I am to show you the work!
Lost in the forest
My current personal project to continue to refine scripting and level tools. Using the Horror Engine from the asset store I'm working on a stand alone horror level set in a mountainous forest not unlike we can find all across the united states. More to come!
A detective game
Working with some friends we are in the early stages of a comedy detective game based on the media spawned from Agatha Christie novels. We are in the early design stages so come back for further updates!